Friday, March 19, 2010

Expanding my crafti-ness

About 6 weeks ago I saw a blurb in our local paper about a free series of classes being offered at our local library.
At first I didn't think too much about joining, but the offer was repeated several more times in the paper over the next 10 days or so.
As the days went by, the offer became more and more intriguing.

"I'll do it!" I said [to no one] one day...and called the library... put on a waiting list for the next series.

Ugh. More time to ponder. But as the weeks went by, and I looked at new blogs and noticed lots of other people doing this...I became convinced, without a doubt positive that

So, you are probably dying to know....what class was this?

Here's a hint.....

Here's another hint.....
Did you guess? was a knitting class!

I started my class last night...and it was full of really nice ladies clicking needles together.
Some newbies like me; some old (I mean this in the nicest way) pros.

And a lovely, patient teacher named Pam who not only helped me pick out yarn and knitting needles, but started me on my way to making this cute little spring scarf.
I think I gonna love this.


a simple life said...

I KNOW you're gonna love this, Miz Annie!

Lyndsay said...

i love your new heading picture of the "bean!" can i make a color request for a Spring Scarf as well! You will have to teach me!