Friday, January 30, 2009

It's Friday "Fill-In" Time!


1. I'd really like (to be having breakfast out on my deck) _____ right now.

2. _____ (Oh, Gosh! or Jeez!--I's pitiful how goody-two shoes I still am) is the word you'd most often hear me say if I stubbed my toe.

3. Possession is (9 tenths of the law, unless you have teenagers-who think everything that is yours, is theirs :)_____.

4. _____ (Believe it our not, I have never seen any movie with) Captain Jack Sparrow.

5. Marshmallows and fire go together like (peanut butter and chocolate, birds and the bees, toast and butter, cookies and milk, cake and frosting, popcorn and movies... can I stop now?) _____.

6. _____ (Get me started talking about either Birth, Breastfeeding, Scrapbooking, my Kids, or Blogs and I can go) on and on.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to (a pizza night out with the Wells Rd. gang)_____, tomorrow my plans include (making a pot of chili for Sunday and making up a fun Super Bowl pool for all of us watching the game)_____,and Sunday, I want to (look like I am really interested in the game, but honestly I will be more interested in watching the commercials and Bruce Springstein) _____!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

An Icy Sunrise

Taken just after sunrise this morning...a breathtaking vision of the beauty of an ice storm....
A few more a couple of hours later...

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Recipe for a Snow Day

Reality: Wake up to....snow falling, freezing cold temperatures, prospect of an ice storm following the snow...ugh.

What recipe does one follow to cope with weather like this?
1. Hot tea and cinnamon toast..mmmm.2. Laptop and The Today Show nearby

3. Warm blanket and fuzzy slippers...
=Warm and Cozy.

Saturday, January 24, 2009


....have a sleepover!
L-R, Taylor, Julie, Maggie, SarahAren't they cute?

Friday, January 23, 2009

Friday "Fill-In's"

Ok, so there is this Blogger site called Friday Fill-In's.
Check it out here: Friday Fill-In's
Every Friday she posts a short fill in page...kind of like an adult Mad-Libs.
I thought it was kind of cool, so I thought
I would make it a semi-regular Friday feature on my blog.
Here is today's fill-in below...with my own answers in red.

1. Oh, I am so _____!(tired of this pain from Plantar Fascitis in my foot)
2. (In order to lose weight I need to make)_____ changes, big and little.
3. During _____ (the TV show 24), I _____(can hardly breathe, I am so mesmerized) .
4. _____(Some people are saying it was President Obama that mixed up the Oath of Office); are you kidding me???
5. Right now I'd like to be _____(in Dallas where my husband and daughter are).
6. _____(My laptop) is my favorite gadget.
7. And as for the weekend,
tonight I'm looking forward to _____(baking treats for Taylor and her friends),
tomorrow my plans include _____(going to see Slumdog Millionaire and then shopping with Taylor)
and Sunday, I want to _____(get a DD coffee and pick Jim up from the airport)!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

16 Things.... idea that I got from reading one of my favorite blogs.

Post 16 things about yourself on your own blog.

Sure, why not?

After you read's your turn.

Here we go......

1. I am just finishing up a wonderful book called Those Who Save Us.

I was initially reluctant to read it as novels about the Holocaust usually give me nightmares.

2. Foods I can't live without: hot tea w/Splenda and skim milk.... carrots....salad....pasta....homemade cream...yogurt+granola.....toast w/ jelly.

3. I'm inspired by this and this and these pictures: Behind the Scene

4. In my senior year of high school I debated between majoring in nursing and political science. I loved history and took lots of electives in that subject in high school.

5. I take hundreds of photos a month. I badly need an external hard drive.

6. I would listen to talk radio over music in the car anytime...except for Rush Limbaugh.

7. I hate exercising, but love going for walks with my two of my honey's....husband and dog.

I love hiking, too.

8. I wanted to be an astronaut when I was in high school. I had a secret desire to live on another planet. I think it was Neil Armstrong's fault.

9. Ironically I have a fear of flying today...a really bad fear of flying....a need to request meds from my dr. fear of flying. Started on 9/11.

10. I loved every minute of being pregnant, felt privileged to be giving birth, and was passionate about breastfeeding my babies. Not one of them ever had even a drop of formula.

I hope my daughters feel the same way someday.

    11. The one music piece I never ever grow tired of hearing?

    Pachelbel's Canon in D Major

Listen to it here

    12. I am a reality show favorites are American Idol, Top Chef,

Biggest Loser, Survivor, Project Runway, and Extreme Home Makeover...w/tissues handy.

13. I feel true peace and relaxation when I am camping,

sleeping in a tent under the stars and cooking on an outdoor fire.

14. I started and still belong to a Book Club, a Supper Club and a Dog Hiking Club.

    15. I can no longer watch movies with a violent theme. Just too intense for me. That being said, I do watch one of the best shows on TV....24.

I can't sleep for hours afterward, though.

16. My passions? My husband, my children, my career, my friends+extended family, my camera, my scrapbooks, campfires.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Martin Luther King's Dream...

...has come true today. We have judged a person not by the color of his skin, but by the content of his character.And we have done well.
We Americans are so proud of our country today.

What a country.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Last weekend..

......I was away for a 3 day Scrapbook Retreat with 3 lovely gals that I know and lots of other lovely gals I did not know..but know a little better now.

It began on Friday at 10 am when our very favorite scrapbook store opened...and we headed into the crop room.

That's Sharon the owner (standing) with her dog, Lucy.

The four of us that are scrapper-maniac's are:


Gayle... Deb.....and moi....
3 straight days of scrapbooking means scrapping from 10 am to midnight..heading to bed (hotel down the street) and then starting all over at 9 am the next day, and then repeating again until 5pm on Sunday. We were a little punchy and we need a few things to keep us going as we glue and cut and create.

Junior Mints and pretzels...

M&M's and Good n Plenty....

Ice Cream Sundae's don't hurt...

But mostly what we need, and what we always need MORE and MORE stuff.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Late night baking

Just spent the last couple of hours making a large batch of granola for Joe to take back to school.We leave tomorrow morning for the trek back to NY.
Spent the last 2 days working, and then attending a Birthday party for Brooksie, sothe task of granola mixing didn't get started until 8:30 tonight.
Joe has become used to having a bowl of cereal at night in his dorm when the dining hall is closed, and he requested his favorite: Mom's Granola.
Jim was happy to see that there was a bit left for him to enjoy this week, too.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Birthday Boy.... 19 years old. Wow. I still remember like it was yesterday how nervous he was to start Kindergarten, as he had never been to preschool. Thank God for fantastic teachers, cuz after one day he loved Kindergarten and Mrs. Adams and she loved Joe (Joey, then).
Now look at this handsome lad...again experiencing a new school as a freshman in college. A bit taller :), a bit smarter :), and a whole lot more self confident.
Love ya, my sweet boy.
(And, BTW, he is wearing his new Texas Longhorn t-shirt
that his sister sent him from Dallas.)

Thursday, January 8, 2009

At Sunrise....

I'm out of here. Headed south to scrapbook for the weekend with 3 fellow scrapbookin' gal pals. Not so far south, as to require bringing sandals, though.
We will be stopping one hour south of here..ha ha.
3 days of scrappin' means bringing lots of STUFF....and I am all packed.
Now..I need to pack more stuff for they frown upon showing up in your jammies..well, not really, though..hmm. I may be tempted to do that!
See ya!

Monday, January 5, 2009

a Cutie-Patootie is almost 9 years old....

Just had to post a couple of pictures of my nephew, Brooks Michael Robinson. He is turning 9 in a couple of weeks--isn't he adorable? He loves Legos, Star Wars, and computer games...and his dog, Boise.
Jim and I, and Taylor, Joe and Mom met my sister and Brooks at our favorite breakfast stop [Chuck Wagon] a few days ago. Brooksie ordered his favorite breakfast, hot chocolate with lots of whipped cream and chocolate chip pancakes :0)