Friday, January 30, 2009

It's Friday "Fill-In" Time!


1. I'd really like (to be having breakfast out on my deck) _____ right now.

2. _____ (Oh, Gosh! or Jeez!--I's pitiful how goody-two shoes I still am) is the word you'd most often hear me say if I stubbed my toe.

3. Possession is (9 tenths of the law, unless you have teenagers-who think everything that is yours, is theirs :)_____.

4. _____ (Believe it our not, I have never seen any movie with) Captain Jack Sparrow.

5. Marshmallows and fire go together like (peanut butter and chocolate, birds and the bees, toast and butter, cookies and milk, cake and frosting, popcorn and movies... can I stop now?) _____.

6. _____ (Get me started talking about either Birth, Breastfeeding, Scrapbooking, my Kids, or Blogs and I can go) on and on.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to (a pizza night out with the Wells Rd. gang)_____, tomorrow my plans include (making a pot of chili for Sunday and making up a fun Super Bowl pool for all of us watching the game)_____,and Sunday, I want to (look like I am really interested in the game, but honestly I will be more interested in watching the commercials and Bruce Springstein) _____!

1 comment:

Lyndsay said...

love your responses! i am looking forward to doing this activity every friday :0)!