Sunday, February 22, 2009

Welcome home!

Can't wait to see my "baby" tonight!
She has been gone for 10 days! Jet setting to the southern regions of our country...Dallas and Florida. She has had a wonderful time, but will land hard into the real world tomorrow at 5:30 am when her alarm goes off. Jim and I have enjoyed our days of being empty nesters, but will be so glad to have her home. We are not quite ready to be permanent empty nesters, at least not for another year or two!
Welcome home, honey!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Bad blogger..

Yes, that's me. I have not felt well for a week, I have a terrible cough. Not that that is any excuse, I know. Have not felt like taking pictures, either..that's how I know that I really am
Decided to do some random stuff for today's blog--- pictures that I took last week before I started feeling poorly + some observations...and, of course, A FRIDAY FILL-IN!!!

Friday Musings

1. Isn't this woman beautiful? She of course just happens to be my Mom, but is just a beautiful person, inside and out. I invited her over last week for a cup of tea and a chat.

2. Last week Jim and I went to an EHS girls basketball game...these girls are amazing is inspiring the way they play with such heart and drive. It is also hard to believe that it wasn't that long ago that there wasn't any such thing as women's sports...not when I was in high school, or college, anyway.

3. Some of our favorite TV shows are running right now...


Amazing Race...fascinating.


Biggest Loser....inspiring.


4.Taylor must feel like an airport junkie this week...she left for Dallas to visit Lyndsay last Friday and had to have a 3 hr layover in St. Louis before boarding another plane for Dallas.
She left Dallas and flew home 2 days ago, and 4 hours after getting home she was on her way back to the airport for a trip to Florida with family friends..and changed planes on the way. In a few days..another trip home. Hopefully all these flights in such a short time period will go a long way toward helping her fear of flying.
Stay tuned for a Friday Fill-in a bit later today....

Saturday, February 7, 2009

A Star is Born!

Last night a STAR was born. Taylor had her first starring role in a play, and I have to say...she was incredible! (not that we are biased of course:)
Here are some pictures that I took during the play.....
(You can click on the pictures to see them larger)
The play was called Going to School, and she played the mom to 3 teens.
I did notice just a little bit of me in her role..ouch!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Friday fun

It's Friday Fill-in Time :)

(courtesy of this blog: we go! Remember, my answers are in red.

1. Please don't tell (anyone how much time I spend
on the computer...I'm soooo bad)_____.

2. Can you (believe how beautiful the winter sunrises
are really early)_____ in the morning?

3. The color of (money)_____ makes me want to
(go shopping for new scrapbook supplies)_____!

4. I have a craving for
(a hug from my far away daughter and son)_____.

5. If my life had a pause button,
(I'd pause it every morning when my alarm goes off)_____.

6. Eyes are the
(first thing I look at when I want to see how someone is really doing)_____.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to
(going to see the play that Taylor is in @ EHS)_____,

tomorrow my plans include
(going to see Jersey Boys and then out to dinner)_____ and Sunday, (I want to scrapbook all afternoon)_____!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Another week, another storm.

Woke up this morning to cloudy skies, but no snow..thought that we might have escaped the latest white stuff. But, alas, as the day wore on, the snow came down. Hard.Mikko likes storms, and of course, school was dismissed early, so I'm sure some kids were happy, too.

It didn't take long for Mikko to be covered in snow.
I coped by spending some time in the kitchen...making some homemade bread.... and chicken stock...the kitchen smells heavenly.Hello, Spring? We REALLY need you.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Super Bowl Freaks

What happens to seemingly normal people watching the Super Bowl last night
when they are given the opportunity to turn into total freaks?
Well, take it, of course!

Had a little fun watching a couple of commercials using our free 3-D glasses.....we look pretty cool, if I say so myself ;)
The big game was made a little more interesting with the Super Bowl football pool Jim and I made up for everyone...your chance were equal whether you knew the game of football or not.
However, Jim has bragging rights today.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Feels like Spring today...

Went for a walk today with my 2 favorite walking buddies....Jim and was almost 50 degrees, and sunny! My neighbor was out building a snowman with her 3 kids and said it flet like 80 degrees compared to what we are used to these days.
Our 5 inch thick coating of ice on our driveway is just melting enough to be very is bad enough, but with a thin coating of water on top, it's an accident waiting to happen..even Mikko skids around on it, and she has claws!

Since it was so nice out today, and the fact that it reminded me that Spring IS coming, and we will be at a Super Bowl party until late, I thought I would post a picture now. Something that reminds me that yes, we do have grass under all that snow and ice. And yes, the kayak hanging on the wall of the garage will be coming down soon, and yes, we will be able to discard the 5 layers of clothes needed just to stay warm...inside.