Sunday, February 28, 2010

Here we go again.

each and every time we follow the program.So, why do we have to keep going back?
The answer is: We can't ever leave.

Even though we know in our head that we need the structure and support of this organization,
(much like any other addiction)
sometimes the times when you need it most is when
you are least able to motivate yourself to go.

There are lots of excuses on why we have
"fallen off the WW wagon".

In the end, none of it matters.
You forgive yourself for not taking good care of your body, and move on.

That's what is so wonderful about WW meetings.
All those other people who have climbed back up on the wagon again and again are there too,
helping you back up.
They don't ask you why you got off, or how long you will stay on this bumpy ride.
They get you.

Jim and I "rejoined" 3 weeks ago.

In 3 weeks he has lost 7.6 lbs and I have lost 8.4.

A good start.

I will be blogging on our weight loss progress at the end of every month, but today I am showcasing the
must haves that contribute to our success.

First, the non-edible must haves:

Weight Watcher E-tools

A user friendly, fun way to keep track of what you eat every day.

Interesting low fat recipes
Whether it is from a WW cookbook, my own recipes, or something I found while googling ingredients, having delicious meals that are easy to prepare is key.

A weight loss buddy

The fact that he is my best friend and gets this whole freaking journey, is a huge bonus.

Now, for the edible, can't live without, TEN food items that need to ALWAYS be in the frig or cabinet.
(In no particular order)

1. Arnold's (or Pepperidge Farms) Sandwich Thins
A 1 pt. bread alternative...used for sandwiches, pizza, and toast.

2. Fresh fruit
Strawberries, oranges, frozen

3. Hummus
Filling delicious snack or lunch with carrots and pita bread.

4. Greek Yogurt (Chobani or Fage brand)
Best Yogurt EVER...we eat some everyday with topped with fruit and granola.

5. Egg whites
Easy, low calorie way to get some extra, very filling protein.

6. Cut up Veggies
Another must have easy-to-grab snack present at all times in the frig.

7. Vegetarian Sausage
All the flavor of real sausage without the fat or preservatives.
Enough said.

8. Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches
A 2 pt. indulgence--yum.

9. Fudgesicles
When you only have 1 pt left for the day and you NEED something sweet.

10. La Tortilla Factory Wraps
Huge 1 point wraps that make awesome sandwiches.
Well, there you have it.

Next month's theme: 3 Easy WW Recipes (a breakfast, lunch and dinner)

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Two Incredible Seniors

Not only are they bright, capable students, athletes, doing a million extracurricular activities this year, applying to colleges, working at jobs--they both volunteered to coach a Rec Basketball team this year for the town.

They were assigned a 3rd-4th grade girls team...with some of the cutest kids you have ever seen.

Jim and I have loved watching the kids grow and develop their skills with their two (role model) coaches.

(note: all the of the girls on the team have their faces blurred to protect their privacy)

They even got some fatherly/seasoned coach advice from Jim.
Hmmm...this looks serious.

With the last game scheduled for today...they were hoping for a win to end their season.

And in an tension filled game...the end result--much to all of the girls excitement...was a WIN.
Tay and Kaylee....I think you are awesome.
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Friday, February 26, 2010

Tea, anyone?

Most people know that I love coffee. My go-to coffee of choice
(when Jim orders for me, I just say "the usual")
is a medium Dunkin Donuts hot coffee, w/ 3 Splenda, 1 shot of cream + coconut flavor. Yup, have had that favorite for a few years now.

I also like Starbucks, and a few others here and there (our local diner makes awesome coffee).
The most important thing, though, is temperature.
I like my coffee HOT. Scalding hot. Which is why DD coffee is my favorite.
(I have a burn on my arm right now from a DD coffee....but don't worry, DD, I won't sue)

Now, I do realize, that for flavor alone, the 'Bucks has better coffee. But despite me emphasizing at the Starbucks window ("make mine extra hot"),
it just

I also love the coffee that Jim makes on weekends for us at home. Our coffee maker makes good coffee too. But after about 3 minutes, I have to pop up and reheat it in the microwave, and then it just never tastes as good after that.

So, why, you are probably wondering, is this post titled "Tea, anyone?"
It's because I love tea just about as much as coffee.

Five things I love about tea.
1.I can make it REALLY HOT.
2.It's easy to make.
3.I like the flavor of Lipton.
4.I can be drinking it very quickly once I hit the kitchen in the morning.
5. I can drink it anytime, all day, or in the evening.
(The caffeine in tea strangely doesn't keep me awake like coffee does)

That's why I, myself, never make coffee in the morning.
Oh, if someone else (thanks, honey) makes coffee in the morning, I'll drink that, for sure.

But, tea. Love the idea of tea, the little bag, the steam rising from it. I can sip it slowly, and it is always SCALDING hot for quite a while.

My tea drinking days got a lot better very recently with an awesome purchase.
(Thanks, Marlyss for the recommendation)

Oh, yeah. It's an electric teakettle.
An amazing device that heats water up faster than you can say Dunkin Donuts or Starbucks.
Ok, that's a little exaggeration, but it's REALLY fast.

I am just about to make another tea related purchase, though. I am a voracious blog reader, much more than I am blog writer...have been a slacker in that dept. lately. One blog that I love is this one:
Cathy has a mixture of scrapbooking stuff, and other random stuff, and I love her view on life.
She has inspired this post, as a matter of fact.
(See that post link below)

So, while reading this post, I discovered that Cathy is a tea drinker, too. And she has recently discovered a company with an amazing device for tea drinkers.
It's called Adagio Teas. (
The amazing device?
Watch (click on "View Video") and be amazed, too.

Oh My.
And Cathy offers a $5 off code on her site.
Yup, going in my virtual shopping cart TODAY.
(And, maybe, just maybe, the glass mugs too)
[PS..looks like you might have to copy and paste the links in your browser window]
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Thursday, February 25, 2010

A sure sign that summer is close!

And, yes, we STILL camp in tents. Started out as a cost saving measure when the three kidlets were little, but now we wouldn't have it any other way.
And, no, we don't sleep on the ground. We sleep on very comfy air mattresses.

There is no drug, and I mean NOT ONE, more powerful to put you to sleep than the sound of rain on the roof of your tent at night.
(Rain during the day is another story to be told later)
Tonight I will go to sleep dreaming of snuggly warm sleeping bags, smoky campfires, s'mores, kayaking with seals, ice cream cones @ Ben and Bills, the bluest blue lakes, and incredible ocean views.

Only 16 weeks to go.