Friday, February 26, 2010

Tea, anyone?

Most people know that I love coffee. My go-to coffee of choice
(when Jim orders for me, I just say "the usual")
is a medium Dunkin Donuts hot coffee, w/ 3 Splenda, 1 shot of cream + coconut flavor. Yup, have had that favorite for a few years now.

I also like Starbucks, and a few others here and there (our local diner makes awesome coffee).
The most important thing, though, is temperature.
I like my coffee HOT. Scalding hot. Which is why DD coffee is my favorite.
(I have a burn on my arm right now from a DD coffee....but don't worry, DD, I won't sue)

Now, I do realize, that for flavor alone, the 'Bucks has better coffee. But despite me emphasizing at the Starbucks window ("make mine extra hot"),
it just

I also love the coffee that Jim makes on weekends for us at home. Our coffee maker makes good coffee too. But after about 3 minutes, I have to pop up and reheat it in the microwave, and then it just never tastes as good after that.

So, why, you are probably wondering, is this post titled "Tea, anyone?"
It's because I love tea just about as much as coffee.

Five things I love about tea.
1.I can make it REALLY HOT.
2.It's easy to make.
3.I like the flavor of Lipton.
4.I can be drinking it very quickly once I hit the kitchen in the morning.
5. I can drink it anytime, all day, or in the evening.
(The caffeine in tea strangely doesn't keep me awake like coffee does)

That's why I, myself, never make coffee in the morning.
Oh, if someone else (thanks, honey) makes coffee in the morning, I'll drink that, for sure.

But, tea. Love the idea of tea, the little bag, the steam rising from it. I can sip it slowly, and it is always SCALDING hot for quite a while.

My tea drinking days got a lot better very recently with an awesome purchase.
(Thanks, Marlyss for the recommendation)

Oh, yeah. It's an electric teakettle.
An amazing device that heats water up faster than you can say Dunkin Donuts or Starbucks.
Ok, that's a little exaggeration, but it's REALLY fast.

I am just about to make another tea related purchase, though. I am a voracious blog reader, much more than I am blog writer...have been a slacker in that dept. lately. One blog that I love is this one:
Cathy has a mixture of scrapbooking stuff, and other random stuff, and I love her view on life.
She has inspired this post, as a matter of fact.
(See that post link below)

So, while reading this post, I discovered that Cathy is a tea drinker, too. And she has recently discovered a company with an amazing device for tea drinkers.
It's called Adagio Teas. (
The amazing device?
Watch (click on "View Video") and be amazed, too.

Oh My.
And Cathy offers a $5 off code on her site.
Yup, going in my virtual shopping cart TODAY.
(And, maybe, just maybe, the glass mugs too)
[PS..looks like you might have to copy and paste the links in your browser window]
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