Friday, January 23, 2009

Friday "Fill-In's"

Ok, so there is this Blogger site called Friday Fill-In's.
Check it out here: Friday Fill-In's
Every Friday she posts a short fill in page...kind of like an adult Mad-Libs.
I thought it was kind of cool, so I thought
I would make it a semi-regular Friday feature on my blog.
Here is today's fill-in below...with my own answers in red.

1. Oh, I am so _____!(tired of this pain from Plantar Fascitis in my foot)
2. (In order to lose weight I need to make)_____ changes, big and little.
3. During _____ (the TV show 24), I _____(can hardly breathe, I am so mesmerized) .
4. _____(Some people are saying it was President Obama that mixed up the Oath of Office); are you kidding me???
5. Right now I'd like to be _____(in Dallas where my husband and daughter are).
6. _____(My laptop) is my favorite gadget.
7. And as for the weekend,
tonight I'm looking forward to _____(baking treats for Taylor and her friends),
tomorrow my plans include _____(going to see Slumdog Millionaire and then shopping with Taylor)
and Sunday, I want to _____(get a DD coffee and pick Jim up from the airport)!

1 comment:

Lyndsay said...

this is fun, i will do it too!