Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Pictures of an Everday Life

As a follow up to my Hooray for the Everyday post, I am posting some pictures of my day yesterday...nothing remarkable...but, still, I am ever so grateful for my everyday life.

esterday, I:
1. Packaged up some forgotten items to mail to Taylor...
Filled out forms and wrote out a check for a nursing conference next month.

3. Did about 4 loads of laundry...

4. Drove to the post office to mail the package...

5. Did some baking and cooking, and kitchen organizing...

6. Read a few pages of this recent book that is fascinating me...

7. Went to the gym for a workout..

8. Came home, had dinner, and settled down on the couch with my honey for a DVR treat.
A lovely ordinary day.
How was your everday life?

1 comment:

asmplelife said...

You are reading my all-time FAVORITE book, Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett. When people ask for a recommendation, I ALWAYS give them that title. I haven't read the follow-up yet, but I'm thinking about it. I loved Pillars so much I'm not sure World
Without End can match it.

And I love your ordinary life posts. That's kind of like my pic a day project - just snippets of an ordinary life.