Saturday, March 7, 2009

Yup, she did it!

The WORLD has just expanded for Taylor..... she just got her license this week!

She was so very nervous about it, because she wanted it SO badly.

But, other than a few uncomfortable moments with backing into a parking space, she passed with flying colors. It is such a monumental occasion in one's life, don't you think? I still remember very clearly coming home from the DMV with my mom-brand new license in hand- and immediately climbing into our Volkswagon Bug and

driving somewhere, anywhere ALL BY MYSELF.

One of those life changing events we look back upon.

The freedom a license gives one is priceless.

(Both for the driver and her parent's who no longer have to drive her everywhere!)


Sarah said...

Congratulations to Taylor!! :) I too was really nervous because I had issues backing into the parking space...haha.

Lyndsay said...

lol that was the hardest part for me too! I have just gotten good at it in the past few years :)