Sunday, March 15, 2009

Agony of Defeat/

The EHS girls did an awesome job against their opponent yesterday, but ultimately they did lose in the semi-finals of the State Tournament. It was a wonderfully exciting season...and we are all sorry to see it on to watching the UConn women and men in the NCAA tournament this week! Go Huskies!

On a happier note...2 signs Spring is very near...

Tulips are for sale in the grocery store at a price that the average consumer can my very favorite flower takes it's place on the kitchen table after a very loooong winter absence.

And Joe has taken up residence in the house again, taking his familiar spot on the computer (and on his cell phone) in the Kid's Room. Other than a few minor spats between he and Taylor about who has first dibs to the car this's been wonderful to have him home for a few days.

Hard to believe his freshman year in college is just about over.

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