Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Iffy weather, but a fun day: Day 177

Esther, Louise and I headed to Spec early this morning and spent the day there. Dabi was already there, and we had a very chatty (as you can imagine) day. Not a lull in the conversation at any time! lol.
The pictures below were taken during the sunny parts of the day..twice we had to run in from the dock because it started to pour. We drove home in the late afternoon, and of course it had been a beautiful day (just slight bit of rain) in CT all day.
Esther and Louise LOVED Spec...I think Louise may even be interested in buying one of the empty lots when it is divided into 3 parcels. All depends on what the price is....that would be nice, wouldn't it?

1 comment:

Lyndsay said...

wish i was there!!!