Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Breakfast Boot Camp/Part 3: Day 192

Today was breakfast at a brand new spot for us...the Cosmic Omelet. A little funky looking, but it was crowded on a weekday morning which is a good sign. As you can imagine, they specialize in omelets...lots and lots of omelets. I got a fresh spinach, tomato and cheddar omelet..Taylor had the corn beef hash omelet and Joe got a pepper, onion, swiss and salsa omelet. They have a bread of the day (oatmeal) which was yummy toasted. Coffee was excellent too. Believe it or not, they even have a hot dog omelet! (yech!)
These last three days have been lots of fun for the three of us....especially since the three of us will now be the two of us! Sniff, sniff....But I am so happy for Joe..he is ready ready to begin the next phase of his life on his own. It's just me that's not sure I'm ready!

1 comment:

Lyndsay said...

i want to go to this omelet place!!!

I am not ready for joe to go to college either!!!