Friday, March 4, 2011

Defining goodness.

As I was sipping my coffee this morning and checking my email, I saw this post on one of the blogs that I look at occasionally. Becky Higgins ( who is the genius behind Project Life, was doing a giveaway, and asked for submissions from people who cultivate a good life. 

This submission on her blog I felt I HAD to
pass along to my dear blog readers... 
Have kleenex ready....

In 2000 when my husband had an accident in our home, was in a coma for 3 months, and died 7 months later … so many people, some of whom I knew, and many who I did not know at all, came forward to lend a helping hand to my daughter, then 7 years old. The kindnesses shown to us were so varied. Some gave of their time — a meal, helped us financially, picked my daughter up at school when I was at the hospital, took turns sitting with my husband at the hospital if I couldn’t be there, held his hand, talked to him while he slept for 3 months, left little gift bags of goodies for my little girl at our front door just to brighten her day…
I knew then that should we survive our difficulties, financially and emotionally, that I would never live one day of my life without returing the kindness … to someone … friend, family, or even a stranger.
And so … for more than 10 years now … I have incorporated into each day of my life an act of kindness, giving of myself, my time, a kind deed, a listening ear, a pot of chicken soup if someone is ill, Christmas gifts left on a porch for a family that had a rough financial time, a phone call to someone who is truly alone, sad, troubled, buying lunch for the homeless man who lived on the bus stop bench in our town … etc. etc. … the list goes on and on.
For me there is no better feeling than giving of myself, regardless of how wonderful – or less than perfect – my own day may be. I smile when I look back on more than 10 years of daily acts of kindness, and am so glad that I made this promise to myself … to reach out to someone each day … and to cultivate my own good life. And also for providing my daugter an example – by my actions – of what it truly means to give of yourself, no matter how big or small the kindness may be.
I know that my husband smiles down us us from his place in heaven as he watches us live our lives each day … with appreciation for our own blessings as well as a conscious choice to reach out to one person each day. If i do the math quickly, even I am amazed to know that 10 years = 3650 days, which is equal to the number of times I have sent a little bit of kindness in the direction of another person.

To me … THIS is what living a good life is all about.


taylor virginia mills said...

Wow, what an incredible woman. Definitely made me tear up. That's such a beautiful story.

Reminds me of when you all helped Peggy.

a simple life said...

I love stories like this. Reminds me that yes, indeed, people are loving, and compassionate, and caring, and kind, and all those other good qualities that we don't hear about on the evening news.

Great post, Annie =]