Sunday, July 4, 2010

Pictures from Maine: Batch One

Jim and I have been camping for more than 20 years.
I love it.
It's right up there with my very favorite things to do.
When you combine camping and camping in Maine...well, you have a winner there.

Here's some of what I love about camping.....

Watching my favorite guy get oh-so-relaxed...

Camping coffee...REAL coffee...from a that you have to wait for.
Coffee that smells heavenly as you watch it blurp, blurp, blurp up into the little glass lid until finally,'s ready to drink.
And it pours just the way I like it..scalding hot.

Walking back to your tent from the bathroom after brushing your teeth and gazing up at the millions of stars lighting up the sky...and finding the big and little dipper.

Snuggling into a cozy sleeping bag, reading a magazine by flashlight, and, right next to you, snuggled into their own sleeping bags, are the people you love best in the world...your family.

Going to sleep listening to the call of the loons out on the sound.

Waking up and deciding what to cook on our little stove for breakfast.

Eating blueberry pancakes.

Having lots of time to read good books.

Watching your son cook supper for all of us over the fire.


Doing crosswords together around the campfire.
Loving the glow from the fire reflecting off her hair .

Knitting by campfire light.

And campfires with a gorgeous view of the sunset?

So...just to make this post a bit more reality based..and to prevent all of you from rushing out to buy sleeping bags and a tent...
Here are some things we DON'T love about camping.

Having to wash dishes bending over..ouch.
Having to heat up water on the stove to wash dishes.
Having clean dishes roll down into the dirt and having to wash them all over again.
Having pine needles fall into your clean dishes.

Rain...and tarps.

LONG car rides to get to your destination.

Two large garbage bags full of laundry when you arrive home..and that's after going to the laundromat once.

More camping/Acadia Nat. Park/Mt. Desert Island/Somes Sound pictures coming this week!


Lyndsay said...

love the pics mom! i miss blueberry pancakes and cooking over the stove...what was joe making?

asmplelife said...

yay! you brought your knitting ;-) what gorgeous pictures you took...Acadia looks breathtaking but I'm no camper. Are there any hotels nearby?!