Friday, July 30, 2010

24 years ago today....

..this beautiful girl was born.
Happy Birthday, my lovely, kind, intelligent, married daughter!

In honor of your 24th year, here are 24 facts about

1. You have the most radiant, gorgeous smile ever...without ever having needed braces.
2. It was a complete surprise to Dad and I (and everyone else) when you began growing hair (more than peach fuzz) around 9 months old and it was RED. And gorgeous.

3. You never, ever, had a pacifier,

never had a bottle, and never had so much as a drop of formula.

4. You hardly ever left my arms for the first year or so of your life (See #3, above :)
5. You hated going anywhere without me or Dad for the first several years of your life.
6. In your first year of kindergarten, you never spoke more than 10 words all year.
7. In your second year of kindergarten (see #6, above) you were the leader of your class, and talked and talked and talked.

8. You could read books on your own before you began kindergarten.

9. From the time you were about 9 years old, you could give baths to your brother and sister, get them ready for bed, read them books, get them a snack, all on your own.
You were a huge help to me.
10. You were extremely shy when spoken to until you were about 11 years old. Then you became more and more comfortable with new situations and people as you grew older.
11. You were the easiest of our 3 children to discipline...all it took was one of us saying oh-oh, or shaking our head, and you would stop doing whatever it was.

12. You didn't have candy, chocolate or sweets until you were 3 1/2 years old.

13. You hated getting shots at the dr's office. You would scream!
14. You would twirl your hair every night when you nursed and in the morning you would have a huge snarl in your hair.
15. You hated having your hair combed. (see # 14)
16. You started fixing your own hair before school by 2nd grade.
17. You didn't sleep through the night for years, yes, YEARS.

18. You would spend hours and hours as a child building elaborate Playmobil cities.

19. You love doing puzzles, and you were doing 100 piece puzzles by yourself at 5 years old.
20. It took you a long time to learn how to ride a 2 wheeler bike because you hated to fall.
21. You hated swimming lessons, and would cling to my leg through every lesson.
22. You loved playing with other kids at our house, or their house if I was there, or outside, but you cried every single time I left you at preschool (at age 4)...for the entire year.

23. You are one of the most determined, purposeful, energetic, engaging, organized, hard-working, diligent, dynamic people I know.


Happy Birthday, my sweet daughter. I love you with all of my heart.

1 comment:

asmplelife said...

Very sweet. Your love comes through so eloquently, Mom!