Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Looking back: The Rehearsal

Last Wednesday was steamy hot, with a stormy sky, and as a sprinkling of raindrops fell we all assembled out onto the beach at Anthony's in New Haven.We slipped off our shoes and met up with Thomas, our Anthony's attendant,
who would guide us thru the ceremony the next day.

Thank goodness the heavier rain held off until we were off the beach, but the sky was thundering and lightning as we left.

A short time later, we piled into cars at the hotel and headed to Wooster Street.

Yup, THAT Wooster Street, home of the very famous Pepe's Pizza.
You can read more about Pepe's here.

Lyndsay and Dan had made reservations for all of us at "The Spot"--a perfect "spot" for private parties such as ours.
It's actually the original home of Pepe's Pizza!
We got to have ALL the pizza we wanted!!!

And, oh boy..... we wanted...
We were all on a pizza high.

And everytime we would finish up a pizza, 2 more would take their place!
They just kept coming and coming...and we kept eating them and eating them!

The youngest looking gramma EVER.
Love u Dabi.

It was the perfect environment to chill out, and get to know each other's friends and family.

We even played a fun game at Lyndsay and Dan's

Dabi ended up in a pizza stupor :)

We were all encouraged to take home any leftovers...yum.

I'll end this post with a few pictures of the lovebirds....

Oh..yeah..and the pizza?...pretty much toast.

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