Wednesday, July 30, 2008

22 years ago today...Day 164 4:21am my first little baby was born. She actually started her journey out around 11pm on July 28th, but took her ol' sweet time to be all of my kids, but Lyndsay was the sloooooooowest to be born. It was a thrilling time for Jim and I, becoming parents on that day. Something that we had waited for until the time was just right...and it couldn't have been more perfect. Our sweet baby girl, with just a hint of that marvelous red hair was here...and my heart has never been the same.

Lyndsay, in honor of your 22nd birthday, Dad and I would like to list 22 things that we love about you.

  1. Your amazing beautiful radiant gorgeous smile.

  2. Your ability to light up a room when you enter it.

  3. You make even the most mundane thing (laundry, washing dishes) fun when I do it with you.

  4. Your laugh...It makes me always want to laugh, too.

  5. Your love for your brother and sister.

  6. Your "awww, Dad" when Dad says something nice about you.

  7. You changed from a night owl to a (sorta) morning person...that's amazing!

  8. Your values are steadfast, and unwavering. (And you're a Democrat:)

  9. You already know the value of healthy are so lucky.

  10. Your confidence in yourself.

  11. Your unbelievable organization skills!

  12. You love SCRAPBOOKING.

  13. Your passion for good food..especially Italian food.

  14. Your respect and love for your partner, Dan.

  15. Your "Dad" nose.

  16. Your love for Reality Shows, cats and blogs. (esp PW and Soule Mama)

  17. Your blinding speed texting ability.

  18. Your love for our family traditions, esp. at holidays.

  19. Your calm reaction to cell phones meeting moisture :)

  20. Your plan to use a midwife and breastfeed when you have babies.

  21. The way you work SO HARD to achieve your goals in life.

  22. That you will ALWAYS be our first-born, brown-eyed, red-haired, beautiful daughter who we love with all of our hearts.

We love you, Lyndsay!

Big, GIANT woo-hoo HAPPY BIRTHDAY {{{{{HUGS}}}}}

Mom and Dad

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