Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Beautiful inside and out :0)

 [3 gorgeous women: my mother Alice, on the far right, her sister Maryann, center, and their best friend, Betty on the left.]

There are photos that make you smile the instant you take that quick glance at the back of your camera right after pushing the shutter. You know instantly that you got exactly what you wanted from that shot.
Looking closer once it was downloaded, there are some technical flaws. Maybe not sharply in focus; a little too overexposed.

But, oh, it makes my heart smile. 
The women above are all close to the mid point of their 80th decade, yet are so eternally young and full of life.
Good genes? Maybe. 
Easy lives? Definitely not.

These are women who stay young because of the love in their heart.


asmplelife said...

I love this picture! What beautiful women. And their smiles? JUST RIGHT!!!!

You're right about knowing when you've got a "keeper", technical stuff aside. Sometimes that stuff just doesn't matter, Annie. And you got a good one with this shot.

Lyndsay M said...

so beautiful!! lovely ladies and their hats :)

taylor virginia mills said...

I love this picture of them! their personalities are shining through :)