Thursday, September 8, 2011

32 years.

I met a boy when I was seventeen years old. 
A mutual friend set us up on a blind date. 
I didn't really want to go, but reluctantly agreed. 
That blind date, turned into a second date, then a third, we fell in love, and well, five years later I married that boy.
We bought a house, had three kids, tried to raise them up to be the best they could be, and sent them out into the world. 
Now we are back to just the two of us again. 

You and me. 
Today marks thirty two years married, and a little more than 37 years together.
Still in love, and best of all, still in like.

My present for you...

32 things.
  1. You are handsome. And sexy.
  2. You love to hold my hand.
  3. You clean up the kitchen when I cook.
  4. You vacuum. And dust!
  5. You smile when I take your picture, even though I stick that camera in your face too often.
  6. You still make me feel young....even though I am almost a senior citizen (yikes).
  7. You surprise me with roses.
  8. You make me laugh...a lot.
  9. You make a mean grilled pizza.
  10.  You are the best dad to our three kids. 
  11. You work very, very hard to support our family.
  12. You say sorry first, even when I should be the one to say it.
  13. You call people on the telephone because of my telephone phobia.
  14. You laugh at my weak attempts at jokes.
  15. You still make my heart do flip flops when you come home from a trip.
  16. You love planning vacations together.
  17. You kiss me goodbye every morning when I am still sleeping.
  18. You know exactly what to say to soothe my worries. And that ain't easy.
  19. You let me sit in the front of our kayak and take pictures while you paddle.
  20. You have discovered how much fun cooking can be, esp when we cook together.
  21. You grill our supper outside, even when it is raining (and I know how much you hate rain!)
  22. You rub my feet every night.
  23. You love to sing your favorite songs out loud, playing air guitar.
  24. You are passionate about many, many things; but especially Giants football.
  25. You changed millions of diapers when our kids were babies.
  26. You got up at night many many times when our kids were sick.
  27. You call me on the phone everyday from work to tell me you miss me.
  28. You always tell me that everything I make is delicious.
  29. You pour me a coffee on weekends and bring it to me.
  30. You walk me to the bathroom in the middle of the night when we are camping.
  31. You wash my car and vacuum it too.
  32. You love nothing more than to come home, eat supper and then snuggle on the couch together.
And most importantly.....
 You tell me you love me every single day.

Happy Anniversary.


Alexandra Byrne said...

Mrs. Mills- Taylor, Allyson, and I all read this post together and we were crying. Happy Anniversary to such a beautiful couple!! Hope you both have a wonderful day :)

Lyndsay M said...

happy anniversary! i got a little teary too. and i agree about the best dad part...maybe not the sexy part. HAHA.

love you both!

taylor virginia mills said...

Very very sweet!

Gayle said...

I didn't know you have a telephone phobia! Happy Anniversary to both of you!

a simple life said...

I think this is my most favorite post you've ever written. I'm sniffling and smiling and just absorbing the love you've shared with Jim over the last 37 years. You (and Jim) have been blessed. Happy anniversary, my friend!