Tuesday, August 17, 2010


The time of year when the flowers are fading (and wilting) and the urge to get out and dig, transplant and plant has passed.
The time of year when you are sick of hot, humid weather.
The time of year when you realize that the nightfall comes quite a bit earlier than in June.

The time of year when.....

...there's NOTHING on TV.
Yep, for a somewhat of a reality show junkie like me (and Jim) this time of year is
TV Wasteland.

Now, I do admit, we watch a LOT less TV in the summer anyway. We are outside more, busy with this and that, eat supper a lot later, and don't really sit down on the couch until an hour or so before bed.

But, when we push the guide button and scroll through the channels....nothin.
We check our DVR cache...nothin. (Except shows that Taylor has recorded..and no, I don't want to watch Bachelor Pad.)

Our DVR cache is down to less than 20%! Unbelievable.

Some of you may chastise me for even feeling this way...the addictive nature of television, the scourge of the brain, much more productive ways to spend the evenings, etc, etc.
I do understand your point, and feel a bit embarrassed at times for enjoying some of the shows I watch.

It's our guilty pleasure.

We scoop a bowl of ice cream (or grab a Skinny Cow) or maybe pop some popcorn and settle in, snuggled together on our loveseat. We generally start watching about 15 min after a show starts, so we can zip thru those idiotic commercials.

Ah....the man or woman who invented DVR, we love u.

The countdown has begun...

Survivor...season premiere Sept 15th
Amazing Race...season premiere Sept 26th
House...season premiere Sept 20th
Biggest Loser...season premiere Sept 20th
Top Chef: Just Desserts...season premiere Sept 15th

Will I see you on the dark side?

1 comment:

Lyndsay said...

yes, you certainly will! we have 2 shows recorded right now...ones we don't even really like. no fun! thank god for house hunters...