Saturday, August 21, 2010

Under the rising moon

Last night we participated in the first annual Moonlight Kayak Paddle at a local lake.
We were shocked to find that over 100 kayaks and canoes showed up....carried by their owners :)
We went with our friends B and K, and our other friends L and J.

The local Lions Club sponsored the event, and at the sound of the bell,
we all scrambled into the lake.

My hubby helping the lady in the next kayak.

The colors of the sky changed as we paddled down the lake...

Meanwhile, there were lots of people still trying to get into the water.

It was lots of fun...and a perfect night weather wise. No clouds; balmy but not muggy.

We paddled and chatted, chatted and paddled. We weren't in any rush.

Taylor and friends cheered us on from the G's cottage.

It soon grew dark enough that we welcomed the brightness of the moonlight.
It felt as if we were the only ones out on the lake.


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