Monday, April 21, 2008

Inspiration Needed: Day 65

The worst part of coming home from vacation is the inevitable weight gain that happens...maybe not to everyone, but always to me....the ugh of tight waistbands, shortness of breath where there was none....too much unhealthy food.
But on the plus side of vacation, we bought and read USA Today everyday. This past week was inspiring, as they profile successful weight loss stories once a week. Today I picked up another issue, even though vacation was is such a great paper...just the right mix of news, advice and information. Anyway, they profiled at 52 year old woman who lost 145 was timely and needed by me....point taken.

1 comment:

Lyndsay said...

wow! she does look great! im sure your vacation food was a lot healthier than most of america's vacation food!