Saturday, April 18, 2009

Spring Stuff

Got out in the spring weather yesterday....started cleaning up my flower bed...will finish raking out the dead stuff a bit later. Then headed to watch Taylor in a double's tennis match...the bonus was the sunny, warm weather.
Jim and I dragged the kayak out of the garage this afternoon after having it sit there all winter...we headed out to the Dam and pushed off...3 hours of kayaking ensued...we found 2 hidden rivers and were surprised by a huge Great Blue Heron. Would have brought my camera, but it was too windy and I was afraid of getting the camera wet. Did take pictures with my phone, but I don't have a cable that will transfer it to my computer yet...but I will soooooon. :)
.So thankful it's spring....


Lyndsay said...

I love that first photo of Tay and the girls...very retro looking :)

did you manage to get a shot on your phone of the blue heron??

Annie said...

Yes..but hard to tell it's a blue heron...quality on my phone is iffy.