Wednesday, May 7, 2008

I made it, and it was better than I expected!: Day 81

Well, even though the prep for a colonoscopy is simply awful, my biggest fear was getting anesthesia today. At 51 years old, never having had anesthesia is quite unusual, from what I have been told. Not so today, with the advance of regional anesthesia like epidurals and spinals, but most adults my age have had some type of surgery before. My only surgery was my one C-Section, which was done under regional anesthesia (epidural). The anesthesiologist reassured me this morning that the drug of choice today would act quickly, work well, and wear off very quickly with little to no side effects. Sure, sure, I thought, you say that to everyone. With much trepidation, I watch the anesthesiologist push the meds into my IV, I started to feel slightly weird, and the next thing I know, a smiling nurse was asking how I felt. I opened my eyes and felt completely normal..not a bit of grogginess...amazing. I remember dreaming a wonderful dream, though I don't remember a thing about it. 20 minutes later I was getting dressed, and exactly an hour after I was awakened from the anesthesia Jim and I were actually eating breakfast at Chuck Wagon! So, instead of jello for supper last night, this is my supper tonight....

Barley-turkey soup and rye toast...much much more satisfying!

1 comment:

Lyndsay said...

yum! glad it went well and safely!