Tuesday, January 1, 2008

A look ahead, a look back...

Happy New Year to my family and friends! Tomorrow, despite being a Wednesday, and not a traditional Monday, is Back to Reality Day. Our whole family, with few exceptions, have spent most of the last 10 days together...relaxing, laughing, having fun with family and friends, and just "chillin". Tomorrow is return to work and school. The bright spot is that the weekend is just a few days away! I AM looking forward to a fresh start with a healthier eating pattern and a step up in exercise. (Those sound suspiciously like RESOLUTIONS, but they are the same ones I have every January after the holiday season has ended) I have started organizing already, and plan to continue on that path over the next few weekends....I hope!
The last few days have been loads of fun beginning with an annual end of the year drive through Forest Park Bright Nights in Springfield, MA--a spectacular light show with both holiday themes and whimsical enough (Dr. Suess; Disney; Noah's Ark) to delight all of us. Taylor hung out of the sunroof to take picture after picture with her new camera. You can check out her blog here to see some amazing pics: http://www.taylorvirginiamills.blogspot.com/
A trip to Springfield would not be complete without a stop at Red Rose pizza, where the creation is as entertaining as the eating. Large glass windows let you watch the dough action as they create pizza after pizza in dizzying speeds.
New Year's Eve found us all going in different directions; Taylor to a girlfriends house for a NY sleepover (the highlight there was "snow jumping"-jumping from the hot tub into the snow and back, repeat :); Joe was involved in Day 2 of a Risk tournament with his buddies, followed by Galactic Bowling at the local bowling alley; Lyndsay and Dan were in Saratoga, NY for a couple of days visiting Dan's Dad and stepmom where they took in Saratoga's great First Night celebration;
Jim and I headed to our dear friends home where we enjoyed the company of Jennifer and Richard as well as 4 other dear friends, Karen and Bruce and Lucy and Paul. We have all been friends for 21 years, and have seen our lives expand and grow and have enjoyed watching each other's children grow from infants to independent young men and women, right on the cusp of adulthood. A few of the "second generation" (as Lyndsay calls them) were in attendance with us last night: Willy and Tempe, Alec and Olivia, as well as Alec's friend and Olivia's BF. We had a gourmet meal that Jennifer planned, before which we gazed in admiration at Jennifer's talent with handmade pottery, mosaics and quilts. Her house is a tribute to her artistic ability. See Bruce below hamming it up with the FISH bowl Jennifer crafted, which we later used for our gigantic salad! The best part was eating all of the contributing dishes made from Jennifer's menu! Champagne at midnight, followed by a starry ride home ended a wonderful evening.

1 comment:

Lyndsay said...

all that food looks delicious!