Friday, March 7, 2008

Going green in a big way: Day 21

My grocery bags have gone "green" (literally) due to a sudden transformation re bag need. There was an article in the paper today discussing the possible ban on plastic grocery bags. The group in favor of the ban cited the fact that these bags can take 1000 years to biodegrade!
I suddenly realized how environmentally irresponsible I was being, using so many bags and dicscarding them without an afterthought. Later this evening I bought reusable GREEN cloth grocery bags...and they were convenient and inexpensive. I feel very a good way!
PS Poor Jim is feeling very "green" in a bad way...still very sick!

1 comment:

Lyndsay said...

very nice!!
I am going to take my new Trader Joes grocery bag with me the next time I go to the grocery store!