So, as you may have predicted, I failed pretty miserably at keeping up with my April Photo a Day Challenge. But, being the eternal optimist I am, (lol, not)I am ready to do another go-around of this challenge.
Here is the May photo list:
As I checked out the prompt for May 1st, peace, I glanced up and looked out onto my deck, as I had already done several times this morning. There's just something about the sound of birds chirping, rain falling and the saturated green of new grass and new leaves growing.
I think I have already blogged at some point how much I love my know I wait anxiously all winter for the deck furniture to appear so we can cook, eat and sit (usually with a glass of wine) outside until the mosquitoes drive us inside at dusk.
i hope you stick with it this time, i was enjoying the photos the first time around!
I love that picture of our backyard, it's now my desktop background!
I'm so glad you're back!!!
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