Monday, July 25, 2011

Random summer musings/1

Wow, I have been a big blog slacker this month! 
Lots of fun things going on:
outdoor concert going
sunset watching
house improving
and a few other fun things.
 I guess that might be a good thing, though..being too busy to actually post what's going on? 
I hope my blog readers haven't given up on me!

To make up for my lack of blog posts, I will be posting random pics this week of summer happenings...a few every day this week.

Monday Musing: Home Improving 

After having the house painted last month, 
we have been on a home improvement kick--discussing those projects that we can do ourselves.
And when I say "ourselves" usually means Jim, my sweetie, doing them ;-)

His latest endeavor was to replace all the outdoor light fixtures on the doorways to our home. They had faded, chipped and fugly lights that were years too old.
So Jim replaced the light over the garage door, front door, side door, and back deck door.

I have to was a big improvement, and a low cost project to boot!

 We have been improving our diets as well...eating huge amts of fresh fruits and veggies.

Lots of fruit and yogurt lunches...

 Lots and lots of salads.....

Even more grilled pizzas with more veggies/less meat.

 A new favorite:
pattypan squash, onion and   vegetarian sausage

We are visiting Farmer's Markets even when the temperature soars into the 90's by 10am.

A new breakfast favorite:
multigrain bread, toasted and spread with goat cheese, eggs, sliced tomatoes and fresh basil


We are also grilling more and more veggies: squash, asparagus, zucchini, and anything else we can get our hands on.
And maybe having an accompanying glass of red wine to improve heart function :)

Check out this blog post:

What are YOU up to this summer?


Lyndsay M said...

interesting post on the 60 days! i love all the improvements you have been doing! we have been feeling revitalized in the home improvement dept too and have been completing a lot of "little things" around the house. lots of grilling here too...and working, for that matter, as its both of our busy seasons in the summer. looking forward to the relaxation of fall!

taylor virginia mills said...

I love all the pictures, the house really does look great!

asmplelife said...

we, too, are grilling lots of pizza this summer. isn't it just delicious? that breakfast sandwich looks mighty tasty. i'll be over tomorrow morning =]