Saturday night, after the major part of the move, we were all ravenously hungry. While the father in law rested on an air mattress (no furniture left :), the son in law (on a futon mattress) did some buying and selling on Craig's List. Mikko found a soft spot behind the ONLY person who doesn't really like dogs (they chase cats!) and she was there to stay.
Sorry for the grainy photos...I had just the iPhone this weekend and the lighting wasn't great.
Meanwhile in the kitchen, Joe and Lyndsay were hard at work
making pizza for all of us, while the apple crisp I made earlier cooled off.
Cold beer and spicy sausage pizza is an awesome combination, by the way.
Roasted red peppers..yum.
They chatted as they worked, Lyndsay (Chef) and Joe (Sous Chef), and as I took pictures I marveled at these two amazing kids of mine that Jim and I made.The only thing that would have made it more perfect was to have my youngest munchkin there too :O)
And boy oh boy...they make a darn good pizza too.
And I know that Joe will want me to put in a disclaimer that he is wearing MY St. Mike's purple sweatshirt because his got wet. LOL
And best of all, we just heard tonight that Lyndsay and Dan's offer on the house of their dreams was ACCEPTED!!!!
We can't wait to move them AGAIN in a few weeks :)